Ongoing Projects

Projects in Process

  1. Mediating effects of hepcidin on increased rates of anemia during prolonged caloric restriction
    Stephen Hennigar
  2. Machine Learning Predictors of Metabolic Adaptation
    Maryam Kebbe
  3. Adipose gene expression responses to CR
    M Orenduff & D Belsky
  4. Epigenetic mechanisms in aging promoting longevity: Effects of caloric restriction on microRNA in plasma and muscle.
    V.B. Kraus and miRNA Working Group. (targeted miRNA profile of 32 targets)
  5. Investigating the dynamics of systemic metabolites, adiposity and cardiovascular function during long-term calorie restriction.
    Melissa Orrenduff (Metabolon Metabolomics Platform)
  6. Responses to Calorie Restriction in Blood Cell Telomere Length in Humans.
    Idan Shalev
  7. Biomarkers of Cognitive Health in CALERIE.
    Daniel Parker
  8. Mathematical modeling of weight loss, metabolic adaptation and Caloric restriction.
    Aoife Egan
  9. Modeling the Relationship of Isoprostanes and Weight Loss in CALERIE.
    Dora Ilyyasova
  10. Adipose Tissue Carbonylome and Sustained Calorie Restriction.
    Salim Merali
  11. Plasma and muscle IGF Binding Protein changes with CR
    Melissa Orenduff and Stephen Hursting
  12. Aging Biomakers and Senescence
    Nathan LeBrasseur
  13. Muscle and Adipose Proteomic Senescence Signatures
    Birgit Schilling
  14. Building a multi-tissue DNA methylation database for the CALERIE Trial
    Steve Horvath
  15. Identifying novel secreted factors that mediate the rejuvenating effects of calorie restriction
    James White